Wednesday 25 March 2009

Killing Kangaoodee

(or rather asking Piri, the guy who helps at the house to). Not sure if that is how you spell it but that is what Piri said when I pointed out this really evil looking spider sitting in its web just outside its front door. I was happy for it to stay in its web but didn't get a chance to establish whether 'good spider or bad spider' before it was 'dead spider'...

Things are starting to feel more normal already - its busy here, beautiful but really densely populated. I can hear children and dogs and cockerels all day in the house (from about 5.30 in the morning!) I can hear crickets and music at night. The place smells like burning wood and is about 25C during the day. Cool at night. need a jumper. Quite a few cars but the streets are full of people walking everywhere. A lot of them very smartly suited and booted, a lot not. Everyone (inc us!) goes to work about 7 and home about 4 / 5pm. Apparently I'm looking at the equivalent of the city of London, the real poverty is in the sticks, but there is a lot of business being done here, which helps make it feel normal (if very foreign at the same time).

Adurey Brown on BBC Radio Network Africa isn't a patch on John Humpreys but I am learning a lot from her about African politics - apparently Zimbabwe is on the bounce back up - investors starting to pile in again. The flight to Harare from Narobi last Friday was certainly quite busy (though I was being careful not to get on the wrong one!)

Still not got our boxes out of customs....power cut every day, getting sick of cheese sandwiches. Gin is excellent. Not been bitten yet (result!)
F x


  1. Great you're settling in well-all the new sights and sounds must make it pretty exciting, do you miss the pentlands yet?!

    Excellent news about the mosquito avoidance thus far too....and keep up the blogging!

    Em x

  2. Good blogging by the way and we like the ideas and sense of the place - how about a "me in Malawi" photo now. Sipping G&Ts on the verandah would be OK....with a mamba in the background etc would be ace Lx

  3. Not yet got any photos of me here! Still looking a bit too frazzled all the time to get the camera out (and the hut doesn't have a veranda!) but hopefully this photo of the hut will help you a pic of where we are and what the country looks like!
