Sunday 27 September 2009

Back to School

To (sort of) continue a theme - its been a fortnight of school books and homework for me!

I've started french classes two mornings a week (tres bien, je les aime beaucoup). Whilst I am actually old enough to be the mother of the rest of the girls in there (and the teacher embarrassingly always refers to me as 'vous' and the rest as 'tu'), it is great to get back into it. All sorts of things are starting to come back to me and with another 8 months I may have even remembered how to conjugate the conditional subjunctive (if indeed it really exists!)

I also signed myself up for a three day course at the uni on int. trade law. Met some great Malawian lawyers, got the low down on the newly appointed judges and I now know my GATT from my GATS, EPAs from my AGOAs. I think I see the importance of the EU 'anything but arms' legislation and may even understand what all the fuss about bananas was!

Hurray for me! (or, as Malawian school children would chant: “well done, well done, sure, keep it up!”)

F x

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