Wednesday, 17 March 2010


Finally managed to drag A to the cinema on Fri night (yup, there is a cinema here but A has irrational aversion to 'loosing' his evenings to it).

A bunch of us went to see Avatar, though naturally not in the fancy 3D format. I thought it was brilliant! Granted, I haven't been to the cinema in a loooong time so the pretty pictures were rather hypnotic and, granted, the plot wasn't groundbreaking, but it is a really beautiful film.

If you are wondering what Malawi looks like, it's that, but less glow in the dark. Massive plants, huge cliffs, waterfalls, strange colours and lots of biting animals. All there, here, in Malawi.

And, actually, we did see a glow worm in the garden the other night!

F x

Ps - sorry I've not been blogging much. In the middle of my final fling with work. Like everything, interesting but very challenging!
Speak soon
F x

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