Sunday, 21 February 2010

Here's some other random stuff that's been going on:

- Still very hot and very wet. Slugs abound. A says our cooling, stand-alone fan is "the best thing that every happened to him...except me...because I bought the fan."

- The low ride has been in the wars. Davina reversed into it, separately we had to get the clutch replaced and for the first time ever it wouldn't start whilst we were in LLW. A abandoned me for some big important meeting but, to my universal credit, I fiddled about with the engine until it started! (Me and a random Malawian dude who had wandered over to see what was going on).

- I'm getting very tired of living in a hut. So tired, I took one look at the place A had booked for us Fri night and walked out again. "I'm simply not staying there, I don't care if we drive through the night" says I. So, we got the credit card out and checked into a 007 style hotel of neat paths and gardens with a whitewashed private chalet over-looking the lake. We loved it - hunkered down in thunder storm with proper crisp sheets, bath, TV & room service - B.L.I.S.S.

- We've given up booze for lent. Seriously, we have.

F x

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