Thursday 4 June 2009


This happened a while ago, but people should know that such horrible things exist!
About two weeks after arriving I was sitting outside our front door, trying to relax and acclimatize to being in Africa, telling myself not to be a big girl about the creepy crawlies. Then I saw this long, licorice black millipede crawling about about 1/2m in front of me. It was heading for the front door and I took this as an opportunity to test my new resolve to not get upset by such things. I got a big stick and poked it until it turned around and started heading the other way.
Happy, I got my camera out and started taking shots – it was really deeply shiny and the millions of legs thrummed along in an amazing way. Not thinking A would believe I'd seen such a thing I got a pen and put it down next to it for scale.
Now, it turns out that these things are one of the most dangerous insects and can kill you (or at least put you in hospital for a good while) with one sting! We now call them evilipedes.
Seriously, how was I supposed to know that?! I know to keep away from snakes and spiders – but millipedes?! What is next, evil butterflies that will infect me with sars if I look at them too long? Man eating dragon flies that hide inside shoes and then chew your toes off when you're not paying attention?! (Neither of those things actually exist Jennie, its going to be fine).
I think I'm right to keep my guard up and my panga handy. Shoes on at all times and when not in use hung upside down on empty beer bottles. It seems to be the only way!
F x

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