Sunday 14 June 2009

Jennie's Blog (part 2)

Safari was AMAZING! A quick run-down of the animals we saw is as follows:

- Warthogs
- Hippos (at first I was really excited to see these but I quickly lost count of the anount we’d seen’
- Crocodiles
- Baboons
- Elephant
- Sivet

This is to name but a few. We also saw a huge number of weirdly named birds. Mum has become a full-on bird watcher now and has taken to reading an Encycolpeadia of birds as bed-time reading. Worrying! I even sacrificed a beloved lie-in to get up for the 5:30 am safari. It was worth it though. We were led by an armed guard around the bush. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) we didn’t see any of the big scary animals, but did see marks in the sand where Hianas had been sleeping for the night. This was followed by a delicious breakfast where we had to guard our food from opportunistic monkeys trying to steal our muffins. One of the guides stood by with an empty hand held catapult which seemed to put the fear of god in them, and they quickly scarpered.

Our tour-guide was called McCloud and seemed to have an endless knowledge of every single animal and plant. He also knew about every star constellation, and drove us out to a clearing to go through a lot of them. We even spotted satellites moving across the sky.

The lodges were beautiful. We weren’t allowed to walk out of them by ourselves but were given a large drum to sound when we needed assistance. Luckily mum restrained herself from using it to order her G and T sundowners. The animals came up right to the outside of the front door. I was quite amused to discover a monkey swinging on the hammock, on it‘s back with it‘s legs in the air. Mum was less amused to discover a Hippo munching on the shrubbery next to the hut in the middle of the night.

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