Tuesday 27 October 2009

Crates Continued

I should also have mentioned the following useful facts about Malawian crates:

One crate of greens = 10 pints of lager. Perfect party size (for students);

You can turn them on their end and sit on them whilst you drink their contents;

You can have mixed crates within the fanta family (e.g. 5 pineapple, 2 passion, 13 orange) but do not try to put a coca cola or two in there;

Similarly, ginger ale, tonic and soda water go together, but with nothing else (even if you offer to pay the price of a whole crate of the more expensive drink);

They stack beautifully - except Kuche crates, which are bigger (because Kuche Kuche comes in 500ml not 350ml bottles).

See: complicated. A and Enrico are planning some 'crate theory' paper. Reckon there's a Nobel prize for economics in there somewhere!
F x


  1. We will get it for sure :)... Even though I didn't know that there were bigger crates for Kuche. This change the whole theory a little bit. What's that? Are they segmenting the market? Another reason not to drink Kuche Kuche (if you're not a girl or a plant, of course ;)... They're even not "soft drink friendly"... What a shame! :)

  2. I know! Though Kutche really are the only game in town in this heat (unless you can only afford one drink and want to get trashed straight away and for the whole night!).

    Thanks as well for the anniversary wishes 'happy anniversary' is indeed the correct phrase!

    Missing you, proper update e-mail coming from the Parkers shortly!
